Animal Oracle
Decision tree for symptoms and timings of veterinary attention
Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority, ensures marketing and distribution of animal medicines by training and examining Suitably Qualified Persons(SQPs). The author has written the avian module for AMTRA and is an AMTRA assessor.
National Animal Disease Information Service: under the tab Poultry are disease bulletins with interactive quizzes, contributed by the author.
Country Smallholding Poultry magazine
Monthly magazine, the author has a Vet’s Forum column
Your Chickens
Monthly magazine for beginners, the author contributes
Fancy Fowl
Monthly magazine for exhibition poultry, the author contributes
Practical Poultry
Monthly magazine
The Edible Garden Show
15, 16 and 17 March, 2013, Stoneleigh Park. The author will be lecturing and demonstrating on all three days
Pet Care Trade Association
Umbrella organisation for the pet trade. The author trains pet shop assistants in poultry keeping
British Waterfowl Association
Domestic and ornamental waterfowl
World Pheasant Association
Ornamental pheasants
Useful Products
The Bird Care Company
Useful Products
Meadows Animal Healthcare
F10 Disinfectant, Healx Cream